Houston DWI / DUI / DWI 2nd Defense Lawyer

DWI Lawyer In Houston

Skilled Houston DWI Defense


Accused of DWI, DUI, DWI 2nd or drunk driving? Texas is known for being harsh on people accused of DWI and takes a strong stance against impaired driving. Having a Houston-Harris county based DWI Lawyer who is committed to defending this particular type of case is your strongest and best defense. Mike Kohler has years of experience in defending DWI charges in the Greater Houston Area, and has a history of eliminating jail sentences, reducing fines, as well as getting charges completely dismissed.  Contact us for a DWI lawyer in Houston.

helping you Win In court

Failed DWI Test Doesn't Mean A Failed Defense

Best DWI lawyer

Legal to Drink and Drive

Did you know it’s perfectly legal for an adult over 21 years old in Houston Texas to drink alcohol and then drive? So long as that adult maintains his/her mental and physical abilities and is not “intoxicated” (BAC under .08%). One of the main issues with most sobriety tests in Texas is that they don’t give you the complete picture of what that person who’s being accused of DWI / DUI is feeling or has been through, nor does it determine that persons normal state of mind.

A person may be tired, nervous, have a medical condition or even just scared of a police presence which can cause a failed DWI sobriety test.

“Liberty is the right to do what the law permits.”


You've Just been Pulled Over

What Do I do?

Assume you are being audio and video recorded.  Be polite to the police officer and don’t be combative – save that fight for the courtroom.  Listen to the officer and follow his/her instruction but refuse to take any sobriety test offered or given.  Most importantly, exercise your right to remain SILENT, no one can force you to speak.  Do not engage in conversation further after you’ve refused to take a sobriety test.  If you’re taken to jail remain silent and contact a DWI defense lawyer in Houston.


Be Polite

Being rude will not help your case. “Yes sir/ma’am”, “No sir/ma’am” are good choices.


Follow Instructions

Follow the officers instructions, do not be confrontational.


Refuse DWI Test

Refuse all sobriety tests.  Even completely sober people can fail them.

Remain Silent

A skilled DWI defense lawyer can successfully defend you.

you are not alone

Mike's Goal as Your DWI Defense Lawyer

Mike’s goal at Mike Kohler Law is to get your DWI court case dismissed or fines reduced as much as possible.

A step In the right Direction

Mike thoroughly reviews and investigates your case, questioning probable cause
Research and identify police mistakes during the administration of field sobriety tests
Discover what is, and is not, possible for your defense in court
Present and skillfully defend you in a DWI court of law
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