Understanding that the vast majority of all Houston citizens avoid criminal activity entirely, it is important to have some understanding of what being charged with a crime actually means, in the event you are in this situation. In truth, it is more likely than not that you or someone you care about will be forced to deal directly with the criminal justice system in one manner or another. Furthermore, Houston police officers, Texas DPS, Sheriffs, constables and other local law enforcement do sometimes make mistakes, people are sometimes falsely accused, and innocent people do sometimes get arrested. So, some awareness is in order, for all of us.

Typically, there is an arrest by an arresting officer and a formal police report is filed. A prosecutor will review the police report and circumstances, if this was not already done at the time of the arrest, and a decision will be made whether or not to bring formal charges of a crime. When this question is brought before a grand jury, and charges are filed, it is called an indictment.
It should be noted that prosecutors have a lot of discretion in deciding whether or not to pursue charges. Other factors affecting this decision could include the policies of the prosecutorial office, notoriety of the case, and the individual prosecutor’s personal feelings regarding the case and the circumstances. It is critical to have a voice representing you during this critical process before charges have been formally brought against you.
Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer

It is important to understand, at this point in the criminal proceedings, you are often seen as nothing more than a name and number on a page, coinciding with a particular criminal act. It is the job of the best Houston criminal defense lawyer, to put a face to that name, to enlighten the prosecutor regarding the critical circumstances leading up to the alleged crime. Details matter, and timing is everything.
Prosecutors are people too, and a good local defense lawyer armed with your side of the story, your truth, can possibly stop this process before it gains momentum.
You’ve been arrested! Be Smart! Get the best defense lawyer working hard on your case. Most local attorneys will talk to you about your situation for free, so don’t delay.
Mike Kohler, JD RN
Cases can be dismissed without ever going to court. Each case is different and there are many variables to each criminal case and to the Houston Criminal Justice System.
Timing is essential and you should consult with a defense lawyer at your earliest convenience. Many Houston lawyers will offer a free initial consultation.
Most Houston area criminal lawyers can look into the details of your case and provide case details, whether or not you’re being charged, and if so what charges are being brought against you.
You should not take a misdemeanor charge lightly. We’d advise at very minimum to consult with a criminal lawyer or defense lawyer who’ll most likely offer an initial free consultation.