Criminal Defense Lawyer Houston (28)
Defense Lawyer Houston

Defense Lawyer Houston

Houston DWI Defense Lawyer

Anyone who receives a DWI offense (Driving While Intoxicated) should be aware of the seriousness of the charge. The offender should seek out a Houston defense lawyer that specializes in DWI defense.

A guilty verdict of a DWI can lead to very serious consequences.
Consequences can include the suspension of your driver’s license, termination of employment and even jail time. If you’re facing a DWI, Mike Kohler has the experience and will strive to help you win your case. Being arrested for DWI offense in Houston is only the beginning of a long process. But being charged with the crime of DWI does not entirely determine your cases final outcome.

The Texas DWI / DUI law is a matter of many issues and fines, conviction, loss of license and possible incarceration of which are not automatic. For a chance of a more favorable outcome it is necessary to seek an experienced criminal defense lawyer to help you properly figure your way through the legal process and most importantly protect your rights and freedom.

Criminal defense lawyer Mike Kohler, JD RN is ready to help with the criminal offenses of DWI or DUI to give our clients the best chance of a favorable outcome.

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