Opinions vary, depending on what side of law you are working on, what your past experience has been, and more specifically, if you are the one being accused of the crime. The truth is, however, that both sides of our Houston Criminal Justice System and their opinions are appropriate, given the enormous challenge of maintaining a fair and just system of laws to govern a diverse and rapidly growing Houston population. The Houston criminal justice system was conceived with the highest of ideals in mind, including the delineated protections of our individual freedoms and liberties. In application, however, where humans are involved, imperfections arise and that’s where you should Hire A Houston Criminal Lawyer.
Criminal Defense Lawyer

The best criminal defense is a good offense, starting with an experienced Houston criminal lawyer from the moment you are aware you have a problem. It also is helpful to look closer at the significant reasons why this is true. To do so, we can examine briefly the major steps in the process of a prosecution in Houston.
First, let’s assume we are working with Houston Police or Texas State Troopers who are often trying to solve a real problem in real time. They enforce the laws with the understanding that Houston lawyers from both sides, a judge, and possibly a jury, will have more time to review the facts and the entire situation, and hopefully come to the absolute correct conclusions. An officer, working a beat in Oak Forest or an extra job in Houston Heights, does not have those luxuries at 2:00 AM out on a random crime scene. A problem must be resolved and a decision must be made, based solely on the facts at hand. This sometimes leads to an arrest.
Houston Criminal “In-Justice” System

Second, prosecutors prosecute. This is what they are trained to do, and they are good at it. Understanding that there are many files (DWI cases, Domestic Violence, Felony and Misdemeanor Crimes) on the desks of most prosecutors, and that most represent potentially bad people who have been accused of bad things. So too, must everyone reasonably look like a criminal when they’re brought up on charges.
The old adage applies, that when you are a hammer, everything looks like a nail. Add that to nearly limitless prosecutorial resources, and it becomes easy to see the sizable challenge you could be facing.
Equalize The Houston Criminal Justice System
A jury of one’s peers is the great equalizer, and the superseding brilliance of our Houston Criminal Justice System. Ideally, you will have a sincere and un-jaded group of citizens sitting in judgment over you. Hopefully, they do their job, listen carefully, consider the evidence, and determine the facts of the case based on the circumstances. This is where your Houston Criminal Lawyer can defend you and has his or her opportunity to make strides on your behalf.

An idealized, yet imperfect system, is made more effective and credible when both sides of a story are heard and considered by a jury of informed citizens. Your Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer, Mike Kohler, can make this happen, thereby balancing the scales, and ensuring you have a voice.
Mike Kohler, JD RN