Defense Lawyer Mike
Defense Lawyer Houston

Defense Lawyer Houston

Houston Texas Penalties for driving while intoxicated, 2nd Offense (DWI)

If you reside in Texas and facing your second DWI / DUI case, you should have some understanding of how Texas state law on DWI operates. You should know Texas isn’t a forgiving state.

Houston, Texas has many of the toughest judges, district attorneys and police officers in the United States and that means that sentences (jail time, charges, penalties and DWI surcharges) can be severe.

That said, even in Texas, the legal system can be fair, understanding and a judge can rule in your favor. For example, Houston, TX residents can have the option to seal DWI / DUI charges.

However if you’re facing these charges for a second time you can expect serious consequences.

Your second DWI Charge in Houston, TX holds serious consequences. This offense is a Class A misdemeanor, which means the consequences will be much more serious than they were the first time. Your initial DWI / DUI penalties are serious, but in Texas, you’ll find that the penalties for a second charge are much worse. Having a defense lawyer represent you is a must for any second DWI / DUI charge.

Punishment for Second DWI Offense, Class A misdemeanor:
Fine: up to  $4,000
Jail term: between 30 days and 1 year
License suspension: up to 2 years
Annual surcharge up to $2,000 for 3 years to keep your license
Community service: between 80 and 200 hours
DWI intervention or education program
Possible ignition interlock device

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