It is a fair question. It is also a fairly common question anytime an individual is charged with a crime. Then the questions begin to multiply. How much time and effort will take to hire a defense lawyer, and how expensive is it going to be? Am I sure I need to hire a defense lawyer? Who knows how to begin the process of hiring an attorney? There are so many lawyers. How would I ever decide on which one?
Then the justifications start. I’m a nice person. I didn’t do this. I will just go into the court and tell the prosecutor my side of the story and they will understand. And if they don’t, I’ll go before the Judge. It’s the Judges job to understand, right? Then there is outright delusion. I will defend myself and put my faith in a jury of my peers. I am innocent and I will not be denied my right to due process! I will take it all the way to the Supreme Court if I have to. Right! That is what they do in the movies and it always seems to work out. Right?

The truth is, you are not living in the movies, and there are real and often permanent consequences for making the wrong decisions when you have been charged with a crime. Everyone should understand, that in most cases, the criminal justice system is an overwhelmed governmental bureaucracy that processes thousands of people, some of whom have been charged with very serious crimes. It can be hard to stand out in that crowd, especially on your own. You should recognize that the entire system is designed and built to prosecute citizens charged with a criminal offense. These citizens, and potentially you or your loved one, are no more than number on a case file. Assuming all of the best intentions, it is difficult to get anyone to hear or understand your side of the story. This is the number one job of your lawyer.
Why Hire A Defense Lawyer?
An experienced criminal defense lawyer can guide the process of maneuvering your case through the criminal justice system. They will help you avoid pitfalls along the way that could potentially hurt your defense, of which, there are many. A good defense lawyer will tell your side of the story, forcefully if necessary, and make your voice heard. A defense lawyer is a partner, a guide, but most of all they are an advocate on your behalf. When charged with a crime, there can be no more valuable resource than that of a trusted lawyer working hard to turn the wheels of justice in your favor.
The Right Defense Lawyer For You
Lawyers and law firms vary greatly in their individual practices. There is likely an attorney for nearly every budget, with payment plans available, and initial consultations are usually free. Just remember, there is an old saying amongst lawyers, “that an attorney who represents himself has an idiot for a client.” So, when charged with a crime, if even lawyers choose to rely on the experience and counsel of other defense lawyers, shouldn’t you?
Mike Kohler
Criminal Defense Lawyer of Houston